Historical Documents 
The Post Office 
The Campbellville Post Office was established in 1851. On the 8th of January 1851 John Campbell was appointed the first Postmaster of Campbellville. Richard Bedford assisted Campbell in the application to the Postmaster General of the United States, Washington City for his appointment. Appointments were of a political nature and were submitted to the local represenative for submission. The Campbellville Post Office served its residents for sixty-nine years and ended September 15, 1920 when mail service was discontinued and  thereafter was served out of Eldredsville. 
Postmasters of Campbellville by date of appointment 
8 January 1851
20 June 1857
March 1862
11 September 1865
12 January 1871
John Campbell
Hiram Campbell
John Campbell
Jacob Snyder
Benjamin Fawcett
7 September 1873
2 March 1876
15 August 1879
27 September 1881
17 December 1883
Robert B Warburton
Wilson R Campbell
Murray A Warburton
William Fawcett
Powell Norton
click here to view some interesting 
Postal Documents 
1850 Road Petition 
In 1850 a petition of Sundry inhabitants was filed at the Sullivam County Court House stating that they labored under great inconvenience for want of a public road from the State Road near Samuel Hunsinger's improvements, to John Campbell's mill seat location. (Today it would be from Shrimp Hill Rd. connecting to SR 4015 north to Maple Rd. to Bahl Hill Rd. to Lick Creek Rd. up to "Campbellville" at the junction of Kelly Hill Rd., Burke Rd. and Lick Creek Rd.) The petitions have been transcribed due to the illegibility of the original documents.  
Click below to view some the original petition documents. 
Welcome to Campbellville 
Local Campbellville Pioneers 
19th&20th Century Area Barns 
Campbellville Today 